We believe that science has something to offer every student. From a trainee chef to a nuclear physicist, a construction apprentice to a cancer researcher, everyone needs some level of relevant science understanding. Science is taught through a ‘hands on’ practical approach. Students are assessed on entry using the AQA Year 7 or 9 transition tests.
Key stage 3 Science
The Key Stage 3 Curriculum follows the National Curriculum 2014 guidelines and uses resources from the Activate programme. Students are taught units of work lasting six weeks and covering the areas of biology, chemistry and physics. At the end of a unit students are assessed using end of topic tests. Most lessons take an investigative approach to promote working scientifically.
Biology units
Cells, Structure and function of body systems, Reproduction, Health and Lifestyle, Ecosystem processes, Adaptation and Inheritance.
Chemistry units
Particles and their behaviour, Elements, Atoms and Compounds, Reactions, Acids and Alkalis, The Periodic Table, Separation Techniques, Metals and acids, The Earth
Physics units
Forces, Sound, Light, Space, Electricity and magnetism, Energy, Motion and pressure
GCSE Science
The GCSE in Science encourages students to be inspired, motivated and challenged by following a broad, coherent, practical, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. It provides insight into and experience of how science works, stimulating students’ curiosity and encouraging them to engage with science in their everyday lives and to make informed choices about further study and career choices. Students follow the AQA GCSE Combined Science.
Year 10 students will be studying for the AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy course, which is a double science award. This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course. Assessment is through six written exam papers of 1 hour 15 mins and each contributing 16.7% of the overall grade.
1. Cell biology
2. Organisation
3. Infection and response
4. Bioenergetics
5. Homeostasis and response
6. Inheritance, variation and evolution
7. Ecology
8. Atomic structure and the periodic table
9. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
10. Quantitative chemistry
11. Chemical changes
12. Energy changes
13. The rate and extent of chemical change
14. Organic chemistry
15. Chemical analysis
16. Chemistry of the atmosphere
17. Using resources
18. Forces
19. Energy
20. Waves
21. Electricity
22. Magnetism and electromagnetism
23. Particle model of matter
24. Atomic structure
Science Entry Level
AQA Entry Level Certificate is also offered at Key Stage 4 at one of three levels Entry Level 1, 2 and 3. Assessment of ELC Science is done through the completion of Externally-Set Assessments (ESAs) and Teacher-Devised Assignments (TDAs). There are six components to the course: two Biology, two Chemistry, two Physics.
Entry Level Science students should submit:
3 ESA’s (one each for Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
3 TDA’s (one each for Biology, Chemistry, Physics )
From September 2016 Year 10 students will submit
6 ESA’s, (two each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
6 TDA’s (two each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
This will lead to the student being awarded a double entry level award.