School Term 2024 / 2025
Term Dates
First day of term: Wednesday 4th September
Autumn Half Term: Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November
Christmas Break: Monday 23rd December - Monday 3rd January
Spring Half Term: Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February
Easter Break: Monday 17th April - Monday 21st April (Bank Holiday)
Summer Half Term: Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May
Summer Term ends: Wednesday 23rd July
Inset Days
Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd September
Thursday 14th November
Wednesday 12th March
Friday 20th June
Parents Evening 4 - 6pm
Wednesday 23rd October
Wednesday 5th February (Year 11 students only)
Wednesday 2nd July
Nasal Flu Vaccinations - Tuesday 24th September
TdiPV and Men ACWY - Friday 30th January
TdiPV and Men ACWY - Friday 28th February
HPV - Friday 16th May
Exam Dates for Year 11
Autumn Mock Exams: Monday 4th November - Friday 8th November
Spring Mocks: Monday 10th - Friday 14th February
Monday 24th - Friday 28th February
GCSE Exams: Monday 6th May - Thursday 19th June
Exam Results Day: Thursday 21st August*
*Students can come into Centre between 9-12 on this day to collect their results.
If not collected by hand, they will be posted 1st class on this date.