Construction Homework

Students can access Google Classroom from home. Some subjects such as Construction, upload, Homework as well as Coursework onto Google Classroom.
The way you get there is the same no matter what subject, so I'm going to guide you through that process.
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Using Google Classroom
The first thing you need to do is to go to Google, and you can do that by just typing in Google in the top of the browser, and I'm sure you'll know how to get there. Once you've done that, you sign in. So you click on sign in and you put in your Google sign in for the school. This is not your personal email account; this is the account that you have been given by the school. It is normally your first initial and your surname with an @ (symbol)
Watch the video as I guide you through each step
Completing the work
In the last video I showed you how to access Google Classroom. I would like my construction students to complete a piece of homework which is this unit "A2 developing a personal progression plan". Once you've completed this piece of work we need to send it to your teacher.
Submitting your work
In this video I'm going to show you how to submit your piece of work to your teacher, which in this case is me, Mr. Kelly.
If you need to download Adobe Acrobat to read pdf's there is a handy 'How to' video on the steps you need to take safely download it.